Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Where will the classroom training and mentorship be conducted?
Classroom training and mentorship can be conducted at any town in India. A minimum of 35 participants should be enrolled for the course for this purpose. The mentorship program will be conducted through email/telephone for locations outside Pune. If there are more than 100 participants in any town a mentor shall be locally appointed. The mentor will assist the student to implement the tools taught in the classroom.
2. Will the Certification program be conducted for 10 day at a stretch?
The Certification program can be conducted for 10 days at a stretch or for 2/3 days per month. A different pattern of staggering the program dates can also be considered for homogenous groups coming from one company or one sales team of a development officer or unit manager.
3. Will IIST monitor participant progress during the Course?
During the conduct of the Certification Programs for a limited period of time IIST will monitor the progress of the participant with respect to the extent of implementation of the tools and techniques taught. Since the Programs have a process orientation, special emphasis will place on process implementation during the monitoring period.
4. When can I enroll?
A group of 35 participants is required for enrolment. In the past groups of development officers have clubbed their agents to form one training group in a town.
5. What if I choose to discontinue the program?
On discontinuation from the program, you are required to intimate to IIST your intentions of doing so. You have two options. You can either chose to sever the relationship altogether or defer your program.
In the event of severance all fees that you have paid for the program till date shall be forfeited and you cannot claim any refund. If you wish to re-join the course at any point in time in future, you shall have to pay the full fee as applicable at that point in time and start the course afresh.
If you wish to defer your study you should inform IIST before the next fee due date of your desire to defer. Such participants can enroll in a subsequent batch in the town as and when it takes place.
6. What are my benefits of undertaking the program?
This is a practical, job-oriented and result-oriented training program. It is designed to help you earn more money than you have been so far as a life insurance salesperson. You will see that at the end of every module your income earning capacity going up. All that IIST seeks from you is that you sincerely and meticulously apply in practice all that is taught to you, and practice, practice, practice the skills and techniques you have been taught.
7. What can I write against my name after getting the Certificate?
You shall earn the following titles, depending on the Course you gave undertaken
- CIM, or
- CLISP, or
- CLISM, or
- CLIT, or
8. How long will each Certification take?
This will essentially depend on how much time you are willing to devote. This is a classroom plus mentoring plus assignment-based program. The classroom activity for CLISP/CLISM/CLIT certification programs is 10 days, while that of CLIM is 30 days. But the main time is spent in implementing the classroom training on the job. IIST will be monitoring key work habits and skills over a period of time and only on satisfactory implementation of the work habits and skills the Certificate will be awarded. All students do not master the techniques at the same pace. So how long the certification will take will largely depend on your commitment to implement and your dedication to work. Usually it takes between 6 months to 1 year for CLISP/CLISM/CLIT and 1 year for CLIM
9. Do I have a fast track option to complete the course?
This will be taken up on a case-to-case basis. Essentially this will depend on the assessment of IIST of your learning abilities, your time availability and the commitment you show to apply the skills taught in practice. You have to specifically ask for the fast track option either at the time of entry to a program or after entry and convince the Institute on these points. The fast track option however does not entitle you to any relaxation on the performance indicators prescribed for any of the programs.
10. Can I undertake the Certification Programs if I am a fresh graduate without any sales experience?
Yes. However fresh graduates or post graduates, who are not licensed agents or who are not employed in companies, will need to undergo a Foundation Course in Life Insurance (FCLI) to understand the basics of life insurance. Successfully completing the FCLI is pre-requisite to take up any of the three Certification programs offered. The Foundation Course is a 10 day program, details of which can be sought from IIST.
11. If I am a fresh graduate and undertake the Certification Program, do I get assistance for placement?
Yes. Not only will you get assistance for your placement, IIST will make efforts to place you in your home town, so that you have a better chance of success in the field of life insurance sales
12. If I am a fresh graduate or post graduate what kind of jobs will I get after I successfully complete one or more of IIST’s certification programs?
- If you undertake CLISP, the kind of jobs that the industry will consider giving you will be as a direct marketing executive. You will be an employee of the company. Most companies give a salary of around Rs.8000 per month and in addition you will get incentives. You can also work independently as a commission agent for a reputed company or development officer.
- If you undertake CLIFA, the same opening as in CLISP are available. However CLIFA equips you with the knowledge of financial markets and portfolio management of individuals which CLISP does not.
- If on the other hand you undertake CLISM, you can try for a unit manager’s position. A unit manager’s position usually pays in the region of Rs.10,000 to Rs.15,000 per month as salary plus incentives. However IIST would like to advice inexperienced persons not to take up CLISM, since employers seek considerable work experience. Also those with no selling work experience will find it very difficult to lead a team of sales persons.
13. If I am a fresh graduate or post graduate which Certification program would you advice me to undertake first?
The Certification program can be conducted for 10 days at a stretch or for 2/3 days per month. A different pattern of staggering the program dates can also be considered for homogenous groups coming from one company or one sales team of a development officer or unit manager.
If you have any more questions please do not hesitate to contact us on phone or through e-mail.