The Certified Life Insurance Master Program (CLIM):
Why undertake a university MBA or learn financial analysis not related to life insurance when you can have your own personalized management and financial education designed by a person who has designed and managed the curriculum at 2 of the leading management institutes in the country – Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Pune and ICFAI Business School, Pune.
Are you searching for self-development opportunities?
Do you feel that as a successful development officer or as a successful agent the road for self development has hit a road block. Opportunities for training seem limited and most conferences that you attend seem to repeat the same points in different words. Some of you may have tried a MBA course only to find that the content of the Course is not related to the profession that you are in. The MBA is too general in nature. Some of you may have tried professional courses in financial planning only to realize at the end of it that the course content does not work in the Indian context.
You are not alone
You are not experiencing anything that is different from that which many others have experienced. In all the options available for MBA or for financial planning courses either the course content is not directed at the life insurance sector or it is not realistic for Indian markets or the faculty has little or no life insurance experience.
For the First Time in India
Now for the first time IIST offers you a management course designed especially for the Indian market that brings you the essence of management education as required by life insurance sales professionals. Designed and developed by Ashok Kumar (with over 25 years of experience in management education and research and over 10 years of experience in life insurance sales and sales training) the personalized and customized management program will give you
- A reason to grow your business much beyond your current levels
- The power to create an enterprise of value and not merely as an agency business
- An enterprise that people outside life insurance will recognize and value
- An enterprise that your children will be proud to operate
- An enterprise that will live beyond your life time
Combining the best of management education and life insurance realities we bring you a rigorous, work oriented, practical program
The Certified Life Insurance Master Program(CLIM):
Personalized Management Program for the Trainee
Customized for the Life Insurance Sector
First Time in India
Another First from the Pioneer of Education and Training for Life Insurance Sales Persons
Only for Development Officers earning more than R.30 lakhs per year and for Agents earning over Rs. 30 lakhs from new business every year
Course Content
General Management : Principles of Management, organizing and staffing, core competency, planning, building a vision and mission statement for your team, getting your team to live the vision.
Marketing Economics : Macro economic environment, national income, trends in national income and savings, economic trends that shape business, interest rates, inflation, money supply, banking, agricultural/industrial/services sector growth, income distribution and poverty, demographic environment, socio-cultural environment, politico-legal environment, technological environment, rural environment, role of economics in the life of a life insurance sales person.
Marketing : Market segments and market penetration, changing demographics, changing income structures, customer preferences, customer behavior, building and maintaining trust amongst prospects, networking, marketing communication, brand value of agency business, creating, delivering and communicating value.
Operations : Quality assurance, ISO systems, total quality management, quality circles, six-sigma processes, how to use quality assurance systems for better business results, record keeping and information retrieval, working systems to use stored data, CRM, use of information technology.
Leadership : Role of a leader, leadership principles, attitudes, styles and activities, coaching staff and/or agent for better performances, self-organisation.
Human Resource Management : Building a team of support staff, determining roles, tasks and responsibilities, team discipline and motivation, incentive structures
Finance : Financial planning of individuals, risk return and liquidity considerations, goal setting, portfolio management, insurance as a financial product competing with other financial products, life insurance as a complete financial solution for customers.
Teaching Method : There will be 180 hours of classroom plus one-to-one training at Pune. In addition field support (mentorship) in the office of the trainee will be provided for effective implementation. Teaching will be done through a combination of lectures, case studies, group discussions and assignments.
Faculty : The faculty for the course will consist of those with life insurance experience as well as management experience to bring you a customized package of learning
Evaluation : The evaluation will be done on the basis of written tests conducted from time to time, the extent of implementation of the techniques taught, the completion of all assignments, and the business results resulting from the implementation.
Certification : On successful completion of the Course IIST will issue a certificate of merit, leading to award of the title Certified Life Insurance Master (CLIM).
Your responsibilities : IIST guarantees the effectiveness of the program and teaching content on the condition that you will implement all that is taught in the Program. It is your responsibility to implement the suggestions made in the Program.
Duration : The duration of the course is 180 classroom hours (30 days), spread over a period of one year. The dates can be mutually discussed, though depending on other members in the training, some adjustment may have to be made. The pace of learning can also be determined by you, depending on the how you wish to spread your time on the Program, If the time to be spent is spread over longer periods of time, the Course may extend beyond one year. In cases where a flexible pace is chalked out, a basic time table will have to be adhered to.
Venue : Pune or in other cities, depending on the number of enrolments. A minimum of 20 confirmed enrolments will be required to conduct the course.
Mentorship : Off-site mentorship (through telephone/email) at no extra cost; on-site mentorship at the office of the trainee, the cost of travel, boarding and lodging of the faculty will have to borne extra.
Fee : Rs.200,000, (non-residential) payable in advance by demand draft or cheque payable at Pune drawn in the name of The Institute of Insurance Sales Training.
In case a group of development officer and agents would like a different venue, that can be considered, provided the cost of classroom, trainer boarding, lodging and travel are paid for separately.
Why undertake a university MBA or learn financial analysis not related to life insurance when you can have your own personalized management and financial education designed by a person who has designed and managed the curriculum at 2 of the leading management institutes in the country – Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Pune and ICFAI Business School, Pune..
Contact N. Ashok Kumar, Founder, The Institute of Insurance Sales Training on +91 9860059397 or send an email to iistcoaching@gmail.com